Friday, November 19, 2010

MFCA Identifies Core Values

The MFCA Board of Trustees met in Paramount, California this past weekend and defined the core values of the agency. The core values are listed below and will be utilized to direct strategic planning and its policy governance statements.

We value being proactive in contributing to the success of our candidates therefore we
-          help candidates discern and respond to their call to ministry with integrity
-          offer equal and fair access to those who are called to ministry
-          recognize that barriers exist (language, disabilities) but we do not allow them to deter the candidate from responding to the call to ministry
-          demonstrate love and respect for every candidate

We value the integrity of a certification process that balances care for candidates and the church’s traditions therefore we uphold
-          rigorous but not rigid application of the standards
-          being instinctively and intentionally relational as we approach our work
-          the distinctive roles of all parties in the process
-          honest, direct communication with the candidate

We value the distinctive role the MFCA plays in strengthening the ministry of the RCA therefore we commit to
-          providing an educated clergy from all regions of the church
-          working with diverse candidates from non-traditional backgrounds
-          remaining culturally relevant
-          a diversity of voices around the table
-          good stewardship of the resources given to us

1 comment:

Pastor David Vandervelde said...

Thanks for sharing! Could you comment further on this: "offer equal and fair access to those who are called to ministry"? What is the intention/rationale behind this statement?